
Thursday, May 16, 2013

My First Client

I constantly get posed this question:

"So... how is that no buying clothes thing going?"

Answer: Fine.  I've suddenly realized I own a ton of clothes, so it's not really a challenge.

I know, how anti-climactic.  It's almost as if all my Banana Republic bargain hunting has been in preparation for this year.  I even recently purged my closet and sent a ton of stuff to Goodwill.  What does that mean?  Time for another challenge!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Homemade of Honor

Me and my home made maid of honor dress on the left.
As I mentioned in my glitter shoes post, I was blessed enough to be the maid of honor for my friend Mariela's wedding.  Their wedding was absolutely beautiful, and Mariela looked stunning.  I could go into detail, but one of the brides maids has a wedding blog much more successful than my I-do-it-myself-because-I'm-cheap blog, and you should just check out her post.